Homemade yoghurt / by Ingvild Flesland

Homemade yoghurt



Six years ago, I had to rethink the way I nourished myself, as I was getting more and more sick and weak. I had for years had the notion that what I needed in order become healthy, and  to rid myself of my different physical problem  and my sleeplessness ,was to clean myself out ..,with the result that my diet was getting more and more “green” ,and mostly without sugar, salt, meat, milk…the focus was to live on less substance , that could do me any harm , and so that I could become clean ,light and healthy! What a dream .. and what an illusion …life in one dimension, does not exist on this earth.

Then I found out I had a thyroid problem, and I went online to find what different methods was being used to combat this. I was sure about one thing, and that was that no synthetic hormones were to go into my body. I found a site, called the hypothyroid revolution, and I knew when I read what it was about, that this was true for me at the moment. I was totally undernourished, and my body was starving.


One of the main focuses in this way of nourishing yourself, it is getting enough building-blocks for the body, so it can repair itself. Our main building blocks are proteins, amino acids. To say it simple, we need proteins that are complete. Because all amino acids have to be present in the protein, for our body to be able to utilize it. This is only true for animal-based protein.


Milk is such a protein. If you can find good, organic quality milk, preferably raw, from cow or goat, as it then has all its extraordinary beneficial nourishment, unrefined and alive, then this is the optimal way of using this incredible food resource. If you not so easily can get hold of this, then the next best thing, is to get organic milk from the store and then to make your own yoghurt of kefir or any other  kind fermented milk product.as this is probably the easiest way to tolerate milk, in our era of destroyed intestinal health (and for this we can thank the many anti-biotic-“cures” and all our pharmaceutical drug use..)And if you still can not tolerate milk products, then to inform you, there are homeopathic treatment for restoring the intestinal health, and to uproot food allergies. Check out the incredible homeopath; joettecalabrese.com and go on her blog and/google food intolerances, https://joettecalabrese.com/

Homemade yoghurt is many times more flavorful than bought yoghurt…I don’t know what they exactly do with the yoghurt you buy, but it probably have to do with how to make it thick enough, and make it live for a long shelf time, but it sure does not improve the taste.

There are different ways to make yoghurt, and you can make it without heating as much as I suggest in this method, and thereby save all enzymes.. but this is what I have found to produce the thickest and the best result..



What you need;


! liter organic milk

1 tbl spoon of natural yoghurt (I mostly use the Røros yoghurt; as it is organic)

A clean glass with a tight lid


This is how I do it.

Heat up the milk to 72 degrees C(low pasteurized) or to boiling

Then cool the milk down to approximately body temperature. I do the drop on the skin test

Then mix in the tablespoon of yoghurt

Pour into the glass container, tighten the lid, and then pack the glass into newspaper and blankets, or if you have a wonderbag. That’s what I use (can be bought from Naturligliv.no)

Or put it into the oven on 40 degrees C

Leave for 6-8 hours, if you want a mild yoghurt, like I like to do, or longer if you like it to be really sour. Be aware that our liver apparently doesn’t like to much lactic acid, so I try to take the fermented foods in moderation, I think a little bit with each meal is a good policy, to help build up a good micro-bio in the intestines.